How do I: consume news

Time to consume news should be limited.

When I shower, I consume news. I select several news briefs from various news sources on numerous topics of interest to consume in audio form only. Once I am finished getting dressed, I stop listening to the news for that day. This may take about 15 minutes.

If the news is not relevant, skip to the following brief.

News is a myopic view of current events.

Our ability to discern what is relevant and essential is critical.

When it comes to news, very little is within our control, and even less affects us directly in any way.

How we dress for the weather is within our control.

The weather takes less than a minute to consume and understand.

Consume some news briefly to stay aware and prepared.

Do not let news consume you. News should not become a time suck or a mind suck.

Our time is better spent elsewhere.

Consume less news and get more things done that matter.